The Alcohol School
Saint Lucia , Caribbean / April 16-19, 2024
Welcome to St. Lucia!
The Alcohol School – Concise Distilling Seminar is educating distilled spirits producers in the multidisciplinary sciences of Spirits production. The event runs in various spirits producing countries. Participants review and learn theory from the beginning of the distilled beverages production process, through important factors to consider for fermentation, up to and including maturation aspects.
Our seminars are designed to be interactive and participative and include discussion panels alongside industry experts and various guests highly involved in the distillery industry. The course is designed to provide our delegates with detailed information on unit processes; formulated for lab, plant, and management personnel and is organized around lectures, seminars, sensory evaluations and visits.
This important ressource is becoming more valuable as the market growth is making the need for continual education a must.
We would like to warmly thank all the attendees for their enthusiasm and for the quality of the exchanges to which they actively contributed throughout this incredible week. We wish them success in their projects and hope to have the opportunity to meet them somewhere, on the planet of lovers of good distilled spirits!
Feel free to have a look at the agenda to know more about the program of this successful session!